Blessed are the hungry, for they shall be filled.


Ninety-Nine Random Facts About Me

Friday, November 20, 2009

Check With Your Local Butcher First

My father-in-law offered to bring the ham this year. Last year, he bought a smoked turkey from a specialty store. It listed "smoked flavoring". I called the company, and one of the workers said he couldn't verify it was gluten free. I looked online, and any smoked powder I could find also had barley in it. I hate barley- it hides. Needless to say, I had to go buy a small ham so my little guy could feel included last year.

This year, I went online to search for some gluten-free hams. I suddenly thought about checking with a local butcher that we bought a side of beef from last year. He actually smokes the ham with apple wood and no extra powder is included. He went and checked a couple of other ingredients and was so thorough because as he said, "Hey, those things are important". He then explained to me that his daughter has a peanut allergy.

Well, it was $1.99 a pound for fresh, local ham. Can't beat that - and I got to support a local business man. Not only am I happy with the ham purchase, I found out that his ground beef is lower than what I've been paying at Costco and it is certainly far superior to that as well. So...check with your local butcher first!
Happy Thanksgiving!

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