Blessed are the hungry, for they shall be filled.


Ninety-Nine Random Facts About Me

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Chickens and a Job

I hope this post finds you well and not in shock that something is actually new on here:) What's new?

We got 15 baby chicks several weeks ago - 12 Rhode Island Reds and 3 Black Australorps. Needless to say they were a big hit with the boys. Nathan did a good job of feeding them and being calm around them so that they would get used to him. Joshua was allowed little time with them seeing as how he's two and they would be squished to death if he got ahold of them.
They're now in a coop that my husband built. It was far more involved than what he thought it would be. Poor man. It's actually referred to as a chicken tractor. Right now it is in front of the house in case we need to turn the heat lamp on for them. Eventually it will be hauled to pasture by the tractor and moved around once a week or so. It's semi-free-range I guess. They get to feed off the land and yet stay alive in their protective space.
A Job!
I'm pleased to post that I've received an official position teaching 5th grade with a local charter school. Woohoo! I've been subbing for this one and a sister charter school this past year and absolutely love it. It is wonderful to know ahead of time that I have a fulltime job this coming fall. Now I have to really get my act together and get some things nailed down before heading back to work with two small boys to take care of also. I'd like to find more of a pattern in the cooking/putting food up department. And...I'd love to catch up on some scrapbooking and things like that. I'm thankful that my husband is such a great help. I couldn't even imagine doing this without him.


Kathy said...

Your husband did a great job on the
chicken tractor.

I've had Austrolorps before. Mine
were great layers, an egg nearly
every day!

Have fun with the chicks!

Kathy said...

Oops, I wanted to say Congratulations on the job too, that
is great. Especially in this economy.

Debbie said...

Thanks Kathy for commenting. Yes, I'm very grateful for my job. Last summer I was ready to go back fulltime and couldn't even get an interview. I found out there are 100-200 applicants for each position. Quite depressing and very different situation from when I first started teaching. I love the charter school I'll be at!